Kids Course
Nenchu,Nencho and Nensyou are separated into 2 classes and learn Hiragana or read short sentences.
We learn using a variety of picture cards, letter cards and doing fun activities to build up the vocabulary.
And also we experience the Japanese culture by creating traditional Japanese cultural decorations and playing traditional activities with parents.
After, the kids from all classes are gathered into one place for common activities. We sing seasonal songs, do traditional finger play, read picture books and play with parents to get familiar with the Japanese culture and seasonal events. We all have fun together !
In principle, enrolment is only permitted twice a year (only once a year for HIYOKO class) to create
a stable teaching environment for the children.
For a special request to enroll in the middle of the school year, please contact us (see admissions page).
One of the characteristics of the Japanese culture is the celebration of seasonal events.
We plan several seasonal events such as OTSUKIMI the moon viewing, MOCHI-TSUKI rice cake making, SETSUBUN the Bean Throwing ceremony, HINAMATSURI the girls festival and UNDOUKAI Sports day. Also, we organize pretend plays, for example ENNICHI the street festival and restaurant play. Through the play and preparation, the children learn daily life Japanese language.
・Otsukimi the moon viewing
・Ennnichi the street festival play
・Christmas party
・Mochi-tsuki rice cake making
・Setsubun the bean throwing ceremony
・Hinamatsuri the girls festival
・Restaurant playpretend
・Sports day